Tutorial No. 1 - Check your knowledge#

Answer the following questions with yes or no:

Basic Computer Knowledge#


  • Do you know how disk (block devices) can be cut into partitions

  • Do you know what the role of the Basic Input Output System (BIOS) is in starting up your computer

  • What is the MBR

  • Did you replace a component of your computer yourself (e.g., a drive, a harddisk, the graphics card)

  • Did you build a computer from scratch (starting with the mainboard, adding memory and CPU, etc.)

The Windows Operating System#

  • Did you already install a Windows operating system to a computer

The Linux Operating System#

  • Have you used a Linux computer

  • Have you installed a Linux computer (or virtual machine running Linux)

  • Did you rent a Linux-based virtual server

  • Did you write a program dedicated for running on a Linux computer

The Internet#

  • Did you use a web browser

  • Did you use a command line tool for accessing the web (wget, curl,…)

  • Do you know the inner workings of at least one text-based Internet protocol like SMTP, POP3, or FTP

  • Do you know what RESTful services should be

  • Do you know Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) mainly built on XML-specified web services

  • Did you create a web page

  • Did you use web service

Spatial Data Exposure#

  • Do you have experience with geospatial simple feature data?

  • Do you have experience with point clouds

  • Do you have experience with OpenStreetMap data

  • Do you have experience with RGB images (camera)

  • Do you have experience with orthophotos (RGB)

  • Do you have experience with optical satellite imagery (multispectral)

  • Do you have experience with SAR data

  • Do you have experience with mobile devices deploying some GNSS

  • Do you have experience with accellerometers and gyroscopes

  • Do you know projections and their impact on spatial data representation

  • Are you able to reproject a GeoTIFF file into another projection

Spatial Tools#

  • Did you create an online map in HTML/Javascript using the Leaflet Framework

  • Do you know the mapnik rendering toolkit

  • Did you perform spatial statistics

  • Did you perform spatial interpolation

  • Did you work with QGIS

  • Did you use Python within QGIS

  • Did you work with Blender

  • Did you use Python within Blender

  • Did you work with ArcGIS

Algorithms Knowledge#

  • Do you know the Dijkstra Algorithm

  • Do you know the Algorithm of Floyd

  • Do you know how to calculate the shortest path on a sphere

  • Can you imagine and algorithm to find the nearest encounter for ships on a sphere?

  • Can you formulate the Traveling Salesman Problem

  • Do you know what the Fréchet Distance of Spatial Trajectories is

  • Do you know a means to compare sets of points with each other. If so, which one?

Special Aspects you want to see covered#

(just write up to a single paragraph here)